Senate Banking Committee

Senate Banking Committee

The senate banking committee has jurisdiction over matters related to banks, price controls, deposit and loan regulations, mortgage policy, and federal monetary policy. It also handles legislation affecting housing, urban development and mass transit.

The committee held 28 policy and oversight hearings in the 116th Congress, which was less than the 39 in the previous Congress under Republican leadership. Public testimony is accepted telephonically or via the web portal.

Legislative Activity

The Senate Banking Committee has been assigned jurisdiction over a wide range of issues including banking and currency, federal monetary policy, price controls, deposit insurance, nursing home construction, urban development, and mass transit. It also has oversight responsibility for the Public Employees’ Retirement Association, Department of Revenue, and State Treasury.

The committee has held a large number of hearings, ranging from 113 in the 112th Congress (2011-12) under Chairman Tim Johnson to 50 in the 114th Congress (2015- 16) …

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Real-Time Stock Quotes

Real-Time Stock Quotes

Stock quotes are a valuable tool for investors who want to know the price of a particular security. However, the stock market is volatile and quotes can fluctuate quickly from one minute to the next.

Most financial websites and networks provide delayed quotes. These show where a stock stood 15 or 20 minutes ago. They’re enough information for most investors who don’t intend to trade the stock.

Real-time quotes are more accurate

The stock market is a dynamic and highly volatile place. Some actively traded stocks can shift in price dramatically from one minute to the next, or even second by second.

This makes it important for active traders and investors to know the real-time value of a particular stock at all times. This information can be useful in determining whether a certain stock is worth buying or selling.

Investors may not need to read stock quotes in real-time, though; …

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