Payday Loans Vs. Installment Loans
As soon as unexpected expenses arise, many Americans rely on online cash advances as they do not have the liquid means to cover them. While others may rely on their savings, some events require a much larger sum than what they may hold as excess cash. This is where payday loans or installment loans come in. Both options present reliable and fast cash advances; however, they have different terms and characteristics.
Payday Loans
Payday loans are often regarded as installment loans; they are a smaller amount of cash with much higher interest. These cash advances rely on a post-dated check or access to the borrower’s bank account as a means to guarantee repayment. This option is perfect for sudden unexpected expenses that can be covered with $1,000 or less.
The main issue with this loan is its high interest, and if at any chance the borrower fails to repay the …
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