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FINRA Form 211 and Having Your Stock Trading

To get your stock trading, regardless of how you became public, it’s important to get the stock quoted on the Pink Sheets, OTCBB markets or on a stock exchange. For smaller organizations this indicates having the stock trading on the Pink Sheets or OTCBB.

To have a trading industry you will need 1 or much more market makers. This market maker has to be a broker-dealer who is a member of FINRA and registered with the SEC.

To begin trading, one marketplace maker must file a Form 211 with the Financial Business Regulatory Authority, FINRA, and make a market place within your stock.

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A FINRA rule says that market makers are usually not supposed to charge any charge for filing a Form 211. We polled each of the market place makers listed on Pink Sheets last year and all of them but a single wanted a $10,000 “due diligence” charge …

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Female Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Investment

The world has changed. Women are getting more absorbingly occupied in the world of entrepreneurship today. This is because many women tend to invest more conservatively than most men when talking about financial matters whether within the four walls of their home or in the real world outside. Furthermore, women were always seen as being domestic, pious, moral, pure, gentle, kind, graceful, and beautiful. If a woman was placed in a different situation, she would always know how to compose herself even in a toughest situation.

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In the past century, women have always been present in the work force as business managers or even business owners but not quite in significant numbers. However, in the recent years, the concurrence of legal, educational, demographic, and social development have begun to move women into the prevailing direction of corporate management and entrepreneurship as well as in venture capital investing. Accomplishing their dreams …

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